

什么是学习? 我能去哪里?? 我能学什么?? 研究了 gives students the unique opportunity to travel, 学习, 调查研究生院, 获得大学学分, 在不同的环境和文化中相互作用. 然而,机会并不止于此. There are also other educational activities to participate in away such as: research, 实习或实习, 领域的研究, 临床或观察性试验, 服务学习经验.

研究了 does not substitute for or relieve any residency requirements. Awarding of academic credit is dependent on the type of program and agreement under which the student studied. In all cases, students are encouraged to confirm academic credit arrangements before leaving campus.

For more information on 研究了 opportunities please check out the information below and our 常见问题页面.


国家交换生(NSE) is a net工作 of colleges and universities that exchange about 2,每年有1000名学生.  Students are able to participate in exchange throughout the U.S.美国、加拿大、关岛、波多黎各和美国.S. 属维尔京群岛. NSE has been in existence for over 50 years, starting with an exchange between three institutions. 到目前为止, 已经超过100次了,000 students participate and take advantage of the new adventures and 学习ing opportunities NSE has to offer.  With NSE, you can use financial aid, Pell grant, and scholarships to participate in this experience.  Students can choose from over 100 colleges and universities to participate on exchange at http://www.分析了无.org.  要开始这个过程,请联系乔伊斯·琼斯. 您可以致电205-665-6077或发邮件至 jonesjt@lafouineuse.net. She will assist you with finding the right school for your educational goals and will provide help with the application process.


Each summer the Foreign Language faculty takes a small group of UM students on an excursion to a location abroad for directed classes and cultural immersion. 澳大的教职员工负责授课和指导观光, making for a rich and meaningful experience that extends beyond the classroom. The 费用 for these excursions are a few thousand dollars, 不包括护照和额外费用. Interested students should consult with the Foreign Language Department to check on application due dates, 费用, 并确认每年夏天将提供哪些旅行.

英语 & 海外外语学习项目

教师 interested in leading a program please refer to the 出国旅游指引.


The 出国留学 affiliates and non-affiliates offer over 50 programs in 30 countries and are steadily growing.  出国留学, students are able to take courses that UM may not offer as well as 学习 alongside students from various other colleges and universities in a different environment.  Over the past 30 years, over 1 million students have participated in various study abroad programs.  金融援助, 比如奖学金和佩尔助学金, may be available to help finance your study abroad experience.


留学联营公司并不局限于这些. If you find another program that interests you, we may be able to collaborate with the program. 请致电205-665-6077或发电子邮件与乔伊斯·琼斯联系 jonesjt@lafouineuse.net.




Local courses taken through the BACHE Consortium or transient courses transferred from local universities are not considered 出国留学 courses. 出国留学 can include formal exchange programs with other universities, 由澳门在线赌城娱乐赞助的旅行, or trips sponsored by other institutions of higher education. The length of time can range from a few weeks to a full semester or academic year.


The 澳门在线赌城娱乐 currently has two international academic exchanges, one with the Technische Universität Dortmund and the other with the Télécom Ecole de Management. Outgoing UM students will pay tuition to UM and will be responsible for housing, 董事会, 以及向主办机构支付的其他费用. The 多特蒙德交换 is recommended for sophomores/juniors, especially those with interest in German language or 文化. The 电信交换 is recommended for juniors who are either majors or minors in a 业务 场. Both institutions use 英语 as the language of instruction.

  • 多特蒙德交换
  • 电信交换


富布赖特大学.S. Student Program provides grants for individually designed study/research projects or for 英语 Teaching Assistant Programs. A candidate will submit a Statement of Grant Purpose defining activities to take place during one academic year in a participating country outside the U.S.

富布赖特夫妇会见面, 工作, live with and 学习 from the people of the host country, 分享日常经验. The program facilitates cultural exchange through direct interaction on an individual basis in the classroom, 场, 首页, 在日常工作中, allowing the grantee to gain an appreciation of others’ viewpoints and beliefs, 他们做事的方式, 以及他们思考的方式. 通过参与社区活动, the individual will interact with their hosts on a one-to-one basis in an atmosphere of openness, 学术诚信, 知识自由, 从而促进相互了解.

拨款期限和日期因国家而异. Please consult the specific country summary for details.

富布赖特美国奖学金申请者.S. 学生项目包括:

  • Recent graduates: Graduating seniors and recent bachelor’s-degree recipients have some undergraduate preparation and/or direct 工作 or internship experience related to the project.
  • Master’s candidates: Candidates must demonstrate the capacity for independent study/research, 再加上对历史的一般了解, 文化, and current events of the countries to which they are applying.
  • 年轻的专业人士, 包括作家, 创意及表演艺术家, 记者, 法律上的人, 业务, and other professional 场s: Competitive candidates who have up to 5 years of professional study and/or experience in the 场 in which they are applying will be considered. Those with more than 5 years of experience should apply to the Council for International Exchange of Scholars in the Fulbright Scholar Program.
  • 富布赖特美国奖学金有竞争力的申请者.S. Student Program will not have recent extensive experience abroad (excluding recent undergraduate study abroad), 特别是在应用的国家.

联系UM富布赖特项目顾问,博士. 斯科特·特纳,电话:(205)665-6199或turners@montevallo.Edu获取更多信息.


